Begin growing your business by offering the capability to accept online bookings today.

Implement an Online Booking Portal

By switching to KennelBooker you can start to offer your customers real-time visibility on your availability, allowing them to make bookings online and to self-serve, freeing you up to concentrate on growing your business!

24/7 Automated Backups & Security

With our fully online system we take care of backing up and securing your software 24/7 365 days a year. Kennel Connection relies on a locally installed SQL Database on your computer - a local systems failure or worst case if you system compromised your data and more importantly your customers data could be at risk.

Your Data

Your data is currently stored in Kennel Connections `MS SQL Server' database saved locally on your computer.

We have a full guide on what you need to do in order to find and copy this database into a DropBox folder, so that we can extract and import the data for you free of charge.

How we compare

We have a Powerful 'Online Booking' platform that integrates into your Website and Facebook Page! Allowing your customers to makes bookings online and view and edit their own information.

Full CRM to manage your customer and pet information.

Send booking confirmation emails and reminders as well as receipts & invoices automatically.

Allow your customers to pay for their bookings online increasing your cash-flow, customers booking for daycare can pay when creating their online bookings.

Our kennel software helps you maximize your kennels occupancy though smart-booking, and shows your key metrics on how well your kennel is performing.

Highest Level Data Security – All your data is automatically backed up and secured several times a day with bank level encryption.

Make the move today

Join 100's of kennels, daycare businesses, and groomers worldwide today.

Move your business online today and stay ahead of the competition, sign up for a trial account now!.

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