KennelBooker is built for busy pet business operators like you.
With tons of useful features, and an intuitive interface.

Boarding Pricing Options

Charge customers by the number of days stayed or the number of nights stayed, automate late checkout fees, automatically charge Peak/Holiday Pricing rates at certain periods of the year , set mimimum booking durations for holiday times, automate cancellation charges.

Automated Communications

Automatically send customizable emails to your customers when bookings are made, and on checkout, KennelBooker will also attach a PDF of the customers receipt or invoice automatically.

Maximize Capacity during holidays

If you don't have room to take a booking at peak periods, KennelBooker will automatically check to see if you split the booking across multiple rooms, helping you reach 100% occupancy.

Digital Bookings Waivers

Save the environment and switch to digital waivers and contracts, have your customers digitally sign your booking waivers online when making bookings, on premise by use a table or touch screen, or via email with our customizable email templates.

Run Cards in Multiple Formats

Print Run Cards using our batch printing feature or for each individual booking at check-in, our run-cards let you see the customers contact details, pet's details, as well as feeding and medical information.

Online Bookings

Allow customers to see your real-time availability online, and take online bookings 24/7, never miss a potential booking again while away from the office or phone!

Key Boarding Features

Calendar View
See all of you bookings in a simple to view calendar. You can also optionally color code your bookings to highlight important bookings or information.

Email Automation
Create customized email templates and automate your communications to your customer! From booking acknowledgments, booking confirmations, email receipts, and marketing emails. You will no longer have to compose and send emails to each and every customer.

Split Bookings
Spit bookings across multiple runs in busy periods to maximize occupancy.

Pricing Options
Set your pricing using our Rates based system, add your boarding rates into KennelBooker and then assign each rate to each pet boarding with you.

If you have more complex pricing that cannot be handled by our rates system we can add a custom pricing algorithm into the system that can automatically calculate your price depending on a number of factors; pets sharing runs, duration of stay etc.

You also have the option of manually setting the price for the booking.

Holiday/Peak Pricing
If you charge different rates depending on the time of year, KennelBooker lets you add in up to two peak rates - a mid season and a high season price. KennelBooker will automatically calculate the correct price for a booking, factoring in any days that require a peak rate to be applied.

With KennelBooker you can assign discounts to bookings, by either using a percentage based discount e.g. 10% or by deducting a set amount e.g. $10

Product Sales
Products such as Food, Clothing and Toys can be added to KennelBooker and added to bookings or they can be sold as standalone transaction.
KennelBooker also supports inventory management and stock control, you can also upload images of products to the system.

Additional Services
KennelBooker also lets you add additional services that you add to your bookings such as; extra walks, one-on-one time, baths, nail clipping etc you and your customers can easily add them to bookings.

Barcode Scanner & Cash Drawer
Serious about selling products?, You can hook up a barcode scanner, cash drawer and thermal receipt printer to your KennelBooker software.

Simplifying your Day.

With our Daily Overview page you can quickly see what bookings and pets are due to check in, who is currently on-site and checked-in, and which pets that are due to check-out.

From the daily overview page you can quickly check-in bookings with one click and record any belongs the pet has brought with them, you will also get alerted if the pet has any missing or expired vaccinations.

Our system will also automatically resize based on the device that you are using, so you get the optimal experience whether you are on a PC/Mac, Smart-phone or Tablet.

More awesome features

Booking Wait-List

Once booking requests are added to the wait-list, if you get a cancellation the system will show you which bookings you can now accommodate.

Record Wallet Funds

If a customer has overpaid or you wish to credit their account, they system will let you add and deduct credit from their balance.

Records Payments

If you take payment on-premise you can record the payment along with a transaction reference in KennelBooker, alternatively - if you choose to use our online payments integration, payments made by customers will be automatically recorded in the system.

Document Upload

Upload documents to your customer and pets accounts, additionally, with our online booking system your customers can upload documents as well.

SMS Reminders

Optionally send your customers SMS messages 24 hours before their booking so that they don't forget their pets booking.

Activity Recording

Record activities in KennelBooker, including; Feeding, Medication, Exercise, and toilet breaks!

Comprehensive Feature List

  • Charge by number of Nights, Days or 24 Hour Periods
  • Charge Late Pickup Fees
  • Charge Cancellation Fees
  • Enable Peak/Holiday Pricing
  • Create Bookings Waivers
  • Print Runcards, and Booking/Vet Waivers
  • Accept Online Bookings
  • Offer Board & Train Bookings
  • Prevent Un-neutered pets attending
  • Set Pet Capacity Limit (eg 50 pet limit)
  • Set minimum and maximum booking durations
  • Create Runs/Rooms for particular pet types
  • Allow certain pet types to share rooms (eg Hamsters/Rabbits)